Joshua & Haleigh Bramer
My name is Joshua Bramer and I serve at Word of Life Hungary where I teach the students in the Bible Institute. My wife Haleigh and I minister to the students; meeting with them regularly, having Bible studies with them, and mentoring them. I began attending Bible College and discovered that I loved to teach and preach. God has given me opportunities to use the gift of teaching in many different settings. I always enjoyed the opportunities I had to teach overseas. My wife and I have been praying about what God would have for us when we graduated seminary. We had the opportunity to come and serve at WOL Hungary. We believe this is the place where God has lead our family. We are so excited to be here and serve with WOL Hungary where I teach in the Bible Institute and we minister to the students there! |
I was born into a Christian family with parents who are involved in ministry. I grew up believing the gospel and being involved in church. I even thought that maybe the Lord had called me to missions. However, I often struggled with anxiety and depression, and began finding ways to deal with those emotions that were unbiblical. I ended up walking away from the Lord in High School, but found it very empty. I was expelled from my High School my senior year, which began a process that resulted in me coming back to the Lord. I found in Him the joy and peace I had been seeking.
I was born into a Christian family with parents who are involved in ministry. I grew up believing the gospel and being involved in church. I even thought that maybe the Lord had called me to missions. However, I often struggled with anxiety and depression, and began finding ways to deal with those emotions that were unbiblical. I ended up walking away from the Lord in High School, but found it very empty. I was expelled from my High School my senior year, which began a process that resulted in me coming back to the Lord. I found in Him the joy and peace I had been seeking.
While I had walked away from the Lord, I had never really stopped believing that Christ had died for my sins and that God has raised Him from the dead. However, when I came back to the Lord, I discovered how that truth could empower my life here and now.